samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 1-1 of 1

Song of the Bright Horizon
ID: 133 Status: Open
- Description -

This is an open song. You are perfectly welcome to request a breeding without asking anyone's permission beforehand. However, if you recieve a foal I do request that you inform me either through PI or the Samanayr forum. My username on both sites is Saiki.

This song has room for two more mares.

- Lead Stallion -
Puddle of Reflective Sky
Owned by Saiki
- Lead Mare -
Dawn of the Joyful Earth
Owned by Origami_Dragon

- Mares -
Heat of the Jungle Ablaze
Owned by Delicious
- Offspring -
Surprise of the Joyful Sky
Foal of Dawn of the Joyful Earth
Song of the Inspired Spontaneity
All images and text on this page are © Sushidragon - all rights reserved
Database coded by Jenn